In the context of minerals planning in England, "need" refers to the requirement for minerals to support economic and social activities while balancing environmental and community impacts. This concept encompasses several key aspects:
  1. Economic Need: Ensuring the supply of minerals necessary for construction, manufacturing, and other economic activities. This involves evaluating the demand for different types of minerals and ensuring there is a sufficient supply to meet this demand.

  2. Sustainability: Balancing mineral extraction with environmental protection and sustainability goals. This includes minimizing the impact of extraction on the landscape, ecosystems, and communities.

  3. Local Development Frameworks: Incorporating the need for minerals into local development plans. Planning authorities are responsible for identifying areas where mineral extraction can occur and ensuring that these plans align with broader national and regional objectives.

  4. National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF): The NPPF provides guidance on how to assess the need for minerals. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining a steady and adequate supply of minerals, taking into account economic, social, and environmental considerations.

  5. Landbanks: The concept of landbanks refers to the reserves of minerals that have planning permission for extraction. Planning authorities are required to maintain an appropriate landbank of aggregates to ensure a consistent supply over a set period, typically seven years for sand and gravel, and ten years for crushed rock.

  6. Sustainable Development: The need for minerals must align with the principles of sustainable development, which involve meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

  7. Community and Environmental Impact: Assessing the need for minerals also involves considering the impact on local communities and the environment. This includes evaluating noise, dust, traffic, and landscape changes, and implementing measures to mitigate negative effects.
In summary, the concept of "need" in minerals planning in England is a multi-faceted consideration that seeks to balance economic requirements for minerals with sustainable development and minimal environmental and community impacts.