Valid reasons for objecting to Planning Applications: In the context of minerals planning in England, "need" [more information] refers to the requirement for minerals to support economic and social activities while balancing environmental and community impacts. This concept encompasses several key aspects and when raising objections to an English minerals planning application, the following material planning reasons are often considered valid. (Hover over list items for references to the the relevant parts of the Nation Planning Policy Framework (NPPF))
  1. Environmental Impact (NPPF Paragraphs 158, 165 and 174-180):

  2. Public Health and Safety (NPPF Paragraphs 92-103 and 185):

  3. Traffic and Transportation (NPPF Paragraphs 104-113):

  4. Amenity Impact (NPPF Paragraphs 119-127):

  5. Economic and Social Considerations (NPPF Paragraphs 7-12 and 81-85):

  6. Planning Policy Compliance (NPPF Paragraphs 8, 15-47):

  7. Historical and Cultural Impact (NPPF Paragraphs 189-208):

  8. Cumulative Impact (NPPF Paragraphs 11, 32, 179 and 185):

Each of these reasons must be substantiated with evidence and aligned with planning policies and regulations to be considered valid by planning authorities.